We stock a wide range of products, the following list shows a selection. If you require something that is not on the list, please do not hesitate in contacting us, we will let you know if we have it available for you.
Anaesthetic Filters | Laryngoscope Handles Blades |
Aprons | Nasal Cannulas |
Catheters | Oxygen Masks |
Compression Garments | Oxygen Extension Tubing |
CSSD Cleaning Brushes | Pill Crushers |
Diagnostic Sets | Plaster of Paris |
Diathermy Electrodes/Pencils/Forceps | Plaster Cast Shoes |
Diathermy Leads | Safety Glasses |
Diathermy Pads | Sphygmomanometers |
Drainage Bags and Tubes | Stethoscopes |
Feeding Tubes | Suction Tubing |
Identification Bands | Surgical Instruments |
HiCare Bath Products | Surgical Markers |
IV Stands | Tourniquets |
Laparoscopic Instruments | Wound Care |